Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Actuarial Science as a Career Option

Actuaries help to manage risk by helping organizations plan for the future and protect themselves from loss. Actuaries are experts in evaluating the likelihood of future events, designing creative ways to reduce the likelihood of undesirable events and decreasing the impact of undesirable events that do occur. Actuaries are basically involved in application of mathematical and statistical strategies to Banks, Insurance companies, consultancy firms and in industry- nationally and internationally. Actuarial Science Video Lectures, Actuarial Science Classes, Actuarial Science Online Classes and Actuarial Science Classroom classes help students gain expertise of applying different techniques learned in Actuarial Science subjects to real life problems.

Why Actuarial Science as a career prospect?

·       Having strong foundation in Mathematics- Your mathematical skills will help you to grasp the Actuarial concepts quickly and excel in exams.


·       Passionate about numbers- You want to play with numbers and are so passionate about them that you will never get tired.


·       Willing to learn programming languages- You would be required to learn Excel and R programming of both basic and advance level to organize, analyze and interpret data.


·       Want to earn lots of money- Actuarial Science is one of the top ranked profession in the world. Clear your exams, become an Actuary, gain experience and then lot of rewards in monetary and non-monetary terms await for you.


·       Passionate about real life problem solving skills- You are someone who wants to solve complex problems using real life analysis, want to make forecasts and reduce the risks associated with different situations then join this profession.

Then consider Actuarial Science as a career!!!

The Academic Junction is a main take a look at Actuarial Science Classes in India as it provides-

ü Multiple Small batches to focus on Personal Interaction & Development.

ü  Regular Doubt Classes to help you learn technical skills    and clear your conceptual Knowledge. 

ü   3D Wednesday (Doubts & Discussion Day).

ü  Video Backups

ü  In-depth training of Excel/R to prepare for online exam.

ü  Regular contacts with Companies and Start-ups so as to share your resumes and prepare you accordingly for interviews.

ü All India Toppers & Nearly Qualified Actuaries.

ü Blend of Young and Experienced Corporate Faculties with 13-14 exams  to make you understand the application of knowledge contained in the subject.

ü  Practical Classes by IT Professionals.

ü Detailed Study plan, Chapter Wise Important Topics Summary Highlights.

ü Regular Assessments and feedback sharing to discuss your improvement areas.

ü Exclusive writing & discussion Sessions oriented to case studies, Past papers discussion and X series discussion.

Thus, TheAcademic Junction in Delhi is the main institute for Actuarial exam Training to prepare yourself for Actuarial Exams.

For details
The Academic Junction

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Actuarial Science Classes by Best Actuarial Science Institute- The Academic Junction

Mission of TAJ is to be a premier institute of excellence for Educational & Corporate Training by future Actuaries themselves while at ...